In an old post I wrote about gym types. While everything about the old combat system is obsolete, the typing of gyms still holds true.
With the new gym system temporality becomes a lot more important than before. Basically just about every gym becomes a remote gym during night time to a lesser or greater degree.
Try to get an idea of at which times the gyms you're primarily interested in are trafficed. An easy way to create a presence and collect cheap coins is to tear it down and assign defenders just when the traffic goes down.
You can also increase that temporal envelope by pushing the gym into the high traffic time as long as you have good defenders available. It's likely to cost you a few golden razzberries to do that.
Don't forget that some events can turn a low traffic gym into a high traffic one. This will almost always coincide with an especially juicy boss raid.
While I agree that a low traffic gym can have just about anything assigned to it, the same is most definitely not true for the high traffic ones. At least not if you make even a small attempt at keeping it for some time.
The combination of maxed out blissey, chansey and snorlax in a gym still works as a deterrent. Add maxed out lapras, vaporeon and steelix to the equation and most rival trainers will refuse to solo it.
When you start berry feeding a high quality gym even pairs or small groups of rival trainers will simply give up the attack. This is especially true when the clock's ticking down to when a legendary boss spawns, after which the gym is raid locked for an hour.
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