I'm spending a few days in a town visiting relatives. It's an interesting experience. In ways it's harder to play here compared to my experience from a rural village -- virtually no resources at all only forces you to a minimum of playing in the first place, which while boring isn't difficult.
Now, however, I'm in a 30k population town, which is a far cry from the 650k population city I'm used to.
30k is enough to merit a decent number of gyms and stops, but the experience is extremely different. Spawn to stop/gym ratio is entirely different, which plays havoc with my poke-balls. Ie the number of poke-balls I have available is falling like a brick from an aeroplane.
Obviously the same would be true for potions and revives in the long run, but the friends system together with field researches make his less of a problem. Add that the locals playing here have nothing comparable to place into gyms or attack gyms with.
Bringing a healthy number of golden razzberries into this town further skews the balance, but in the end I'd run out of those as well as the low availability of level five raids prevents me from bulking up on resources.
All in all gym battling is a very different experience here from what I'm used to. To a certain degree you could argue that it's akin to playing a different game.
Well, that's all for this time.