Sunday, September 17, 2017

Gym battles, network error

My sample size isn't all that great, but with the latest client network error is merely bloody awful but not a total blocker when you're trying to attack a gym where you have previously boss raided the same day or late the previous day.

For some reason leaving after every battle slightly mitigates the problem. It's not a guaranteed work around, but at least my personal experience is that it enables you to run every third battle or so without an error.

While I wouldn't continue through a gym with six full defenders, using this trick is worth it if the gym is almost down from the beginning.

The problem with contamination still persists though. By contamination I'm referring to how one trainer who runs into the network error will spread that error to other trainers currently fighting the same defender even if they haven't boss raided that gym at all.

A final fix for this problem seems to be something we'll have to wait for some time.

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