Wednesday, March 14, 2018

New to the extreme end-game, gym raider, raiding

I won't go into how you hulk into a gym on your own. That has been covered in detail before and isn't really part of gym raiding.

For a raid you'd expect to be

  • 2
  • 3 - 4
  • 5 -6
players attacking more than one gym during one raiding session.

The two player attack is basically more or less the same as going alone with the main difference that the time needed to down a gym is cut in half and the cost in potions and revives cut to between a third to 40% compared to attacking alone.

The reason for the large rebate in potions and revives is that several defenders never get to fire off a charge attack at all.

For undefended gyms just shave off the first defenders, usually a blissey followed by snorlax or chansey. One attacker doesn't participate in the ousting fight but rather continues into the next defender.

For partially defended gyms, ie an occasional berry fed to the defender, both attackers got to work on the same defender, including the ousting fight.

Heavily defended gyms either have to be given up, or you'll need to restort to taking each defender down in two fights to either kick defenders out or at least force defending players to feed berries between each fight.

Moving between gyms after kicking defenders down one notch is another viable tactics. When the warning signal goes out a defending player needs to locate which gym is under attack and feed the defender a berry before it's gone. Quite often this takes more time than what's needed to enter fight number three and finish it.

Do keep attackers super effective or neutral against the current defender.

Three of four attackers can kick out each defender instantly, but you may not want to do this for some reason. In that case two attackers should keep going on the first defender in the gym while the remaining attacker(s) continue and hurt defenders further in the gym.

For heavily defended gyms you might need to keep every attacker rolling on the first defender to either push the cost for feeding golden razz berries into the unsustainable zone or kick defenders out by virtue of running defending players out of feeding slots.

Attacking mons are preferably super effective or neutral against the current defender.

Five or more attacker should normally avoid kicking defeners out instantly. It's more efficient to just brute force through the gym. Two or three players hammer the first defender into obvlivion and the rest make forays into the gym. It quickly becomes unsustainable to keep up coordinated feeding even if you're several defending players trying to keep the gym up remotely.

In the scenario where defending players do a comparatively decent job at feeding it might be a good idea to either send an attacker or two to the next gym, or simply shift gym altogether. In all likelyhood you've consumed a lot of feeding slots, and the second gym can't be defended at all.

Personally I prefer to just keep smashing into each gym. The cost for feeding a gym attacked by a full raid team is insane, and by the time you hit gym number three or four some of the defending players start depleting their berry storage.

This is basically attacking player motivation rather than pokemon motivation. For more players it's simply too scary to watch fifty berries drop to under forty in less than half an hour. Don't forget that many players actually use golden razz berries for catching raid bosses. They don't have berry supplies anywhere as large as the players who stack up on berries with a focus on gym raiding.

Also, while it's fun to know that one defending player in your team sits on 300 or more golden razz berries, that player can only feed each defender ten berries, and even a maxed out perfect blissey will see those slots consumed in under ten minutes.

Attacking mons are either sweepers or machamp. Using machamp against gardevoir is perfectly viable for a full raid. More often than not you won't find out what charge attack a defending pokemon has.

Boss raids

Notably a gym defended prior to an attractive boss raid usually can't be downed. You should expect players on site dropping the occasional berry into the gym without any semblance of coordination. The sheer number of berries fed into the gym will normally make it impossible to take it down.

Multistepping the gym also becomes impossible since attackers are just about everywhere in the gym, and you can't count on managing the synchronized endings of fights needed to kick a defender out in one go.

In this scenario either skip attacking the gym altogether or aim at maximising the cost in golden razz berries.

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