In all likelyhood you've already been flooded by tips for the upcoming three hour larvitar bonanza.
So here's another one. Or rather two.
I hope you've taken note of the word 'community'. Do get them chat channels ready if you haven't already done so. Reporting high IV catches vastly increases the chance you get one yourself.
And for the second one.
With lure clusters lit up like a christmas tree you're likely to run into three minute spawns en masse. It really, really really helps if you make it clear that you caught that marvelous larvitar from a lure. Even a moderate distance is enough to make it more or less impossible to get there in time. Not only won't there be anything to catch -- people running to the spot will be confused and keep looking for something that's no longer present instead of collecting much needed larvitar candy.
Well, that's it for community day from me.
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