No matter what it requires ten team accounts and one rival account. The easiest way to bring that rival account is for players to use a secondary account.
I won't go into the legalese at all. Players as well as Niantic are likely to be in violation of contractual agreements and / or consumer legislation depending on in which country the game is played.
A full raid depends on the existence of some kind of local Pokemon Go community, where players on the same team meet regulary and exchange tips, tricks and strategies. You'll need some kind common ground in order to be able to have a large group of players walk around together with a common goal.
That said, let's have a look at the different types of gyms for the full raid.
To be populated by secondary class defenders. Basically the same as for the medium sized raid.
Ten high class defenders at 2500 - 2800 cp is a deterrent to just about any solo player. Even a group of three might think better of it.
Occasional traffic
Handled as high traffic.
High traffic
The very best you have OR a fun gym.
How to populate the gym
I strongly recommend a 'bubble strat' or similar approach, with a twist. You want to make sure you can grab the three initial spots immediatgely with three prestige-pokemons of similar cp. At least in an environment where gym-sniping is likely. This way you lock out sniping parasites.
See for bubble strat specifically. There are other strategies based on a similar concept.
Preferably you have agreed on the composition on your way to the gym, but with three small pokemons in the gym you can spend a short time agreeing on what kind of gym you want to build.
When increasing prestige, have a plan ready. Do you slot in new pokemon as soon as a slot is free, or do you build the gym to capacity first?
Sniping environment
If sniping is likely you probably want the player who's in turn to add a pokemon to stay out of the current prestige fight and slot in that pokemon as soon as everyone has stopped figting.
Yes. Stopped fighting. Or the immutable defender 'error' enters the scene and one or more players are unable to help increase prestige.
No sniping
If sniping is unlikely just pad the gym up to 34, 36 or 38 K prestige depending on if the gym was seeded with one, two or three prestige pokemons. Then fill the gym with the agreed upon defenders.
You now have a level ten gym with one to three awful pokemons at the bottom.
Time to bring that rival account. In a high traffic environment this happens automatically as other players are likely to take a shot at easy xp. Otherwise you need to supply that rival player yourselves.
I've been that rival player myself in exchange for a beer later on. It all depends on how competitive your local metagame is if you feel comfortable with helping rival teams to build their gyms. I don't care all that much myself.
The easiest is probably to use a secondary account.
Kick the prestige pokemon(s) twice and you're at 49000 prestige. Prestige back to 50000 and add a pokemon (belonging to the player who got his/her prestige-pokemon kicked out). Rinse and repeat.
You'll end up with a level ten gym populated the way you wanted.
Gym composition
Fun gyms aside, there are three primary gyms to build.
- Snorlax
- Lapras
- Chansey
Kind of boring, but brutally efficient.
If your raid team runs a tight level range (ie everyone is 32 - 35) you probably only want one kind of pokemon in that gym. Aim at 2600 or better lapras, 2900 or better snorlax or 1100 or better chansey
If the spread is greater, say 30 - 38 as an extreme, it's a good opportunity to let the lower level players dump their best snorlaxes and the higher level players slot in their best lapras. You'll end up with a gym sporting 2800 - 2900 cp pokemon, lapras and snorlax in a nasty mix.
As for chansey, just let everyone drop in the juiciest one they have.
A less boring gym to build is one where you mix in the best exxeggutor any player has, one 3k or higher vaporeon, or even a machamp at 2800. And from here on we're looking at gym compositions getting closer and closer to the fun gym type.
One player will become the bouncer. Being the bouncer in a level 10 gym sucks. For that reason it's a good idea to build a few of those monsters if you're at it so that the suckyness gets spread around.
If you always force your lowest level players to take on the bouncer role, you're likely to end up with a new lowest level player when the current one gets sick and tired of you.
Level ten gyms suffer from gym degradation. More on that tomorrow.
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