Depending on gym construction this is the best or second best defender in the game.
A huge pool of hp combined with a decent capacity to inflict damage makes snorlax your goto defender. Add the high cp and you're likely to avoid being the bouncer in the gym.
There isn't a truly efficient attacker to use against snorlax, only more or less servicable ones.
Preferably with Zen Headbutt as primary attack and, in the best of worlds, Body Slam as charge attack. Zen Headbutt and Hyperbeam is servicable as well, mostly because snorlax receives STAB for Hyperbeam which makes it inflict semi-decent damage even if dodged.
With Lick as primary attack snorlax becomes a chansey with high cp and (comparatively) low hp.
The second (or third) best defender in the game.
A good chunk of hp combined with the ability to totally neutralise dragonite makes this a really awkward opponent to chop down.
As with snorlax there really aren't any superb attackers to use against lapras.
Lapras shines when it comes to attacks. It doesn't have any bad attacks, only good or better. This makes any 90% or higher IV lapras a no-brainer to power up.
Lapras suffers from a comparatively low maximum cp, and you risk being delegated to the role of bouncer in a gym, especially if you drop one below 2600 cp into a gym. If possible you should aim at pushing it above 2800 cp.
The third (or fourth) best defender in the game.
As with lapras vaporeon comes with a healthy amount of hp combined with only being weak against grass and electricity. Since just about anything grass got nerfed lately and electricity pokemons all suffer from being squishy, vaporeon is a top class defender.
A comparatively high cp makes you avoid being the bouncer in a gym.
Preferably you have Water Pulse or Aqua Tail as charge attack. Hydro Pump isn't a disaster as it's comparatively fast for being a one-charge attack.
While grass pokemon and electricity pokemon are relatively weak in the game, a 2500 cp or better exxegutor / jolteon will cut down a vaporeon. It depends a little too much on having more water-type pokemons in the gym to make attacking expensive in terms of revives/potions.
The huge uprade to gyarados hurt vaporeon a lot since players became aware of the importance of having good electricity attackers.
After the general nerf of grass type pokemons exxeggutor no longer makes it to the group of default defenders, but it's still a very good one since the nerf hammer hit arcanine as well.
While flareon got boosted is still sports a very small hp-pool, which makes it likely it'll get smashed while burning down an exxeggutor.
Basically any combination of attacks that doesn't include Solar Beam should work.
Exxeggutor, like lapras, suffers from a comparatively low max cp, and it only runs with 75% of lapras' hp-pool.
Still, a mixed gym should have one of these guys in it.
In a gym designed around this one it's the best defender in the game. Otherwise it's relegated to the role of bouncer. A really, really, really tedious bouncer.
An absurd hp-pool walls lower level players from the gym. They'll run into the time-out shutting down combat.
Don't bother about what attacks chansey sports. You're dumping this guy into a gym for its hp-pool and nothing else. If it slaps attackers or slaps them marginally harder simply doesn't matter.
Increasing the prestige of a gym with chansey is an excersise in futility. You either increase prestige by 100 or experience the time-out shutting lower level players out from the gym.
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