Friday, April 21, 2017

A small change for you but a big one for game balance

According to this article two players catching the same pokemon no longer don't.

What? That didn't make any sense.

Well, up to now, apart from level, everyone catching the same pokemon got an identical configuration. Same stats and same attacks.

It seems this is no longer the case. While stats and attacks are still keyed to a level, players of different levels apparently get different configurations. After level 25 it's all the same again though.

The main difference from before is that tracking maps basically only tells you that a certain pokemon is at a certain place, but you can no longer trust any information concerning its stats and attacks.

So we're back to the kinder-egg experience. You can locate the pokemon, but you'll have to go there and catch it so see what it's really like.

This change should severely hamper gps spoofers, who tend to be loners. Players belonging to an active pokemon community will get ahead though. Especially half hour and one hour spawns with good stats and attacks above level 25 are likely to be spread through the grapevine, and then the hunt is on.

It means the game partially reverts to how it's supposed to be played. Players, at least high level ones, congregate around the spots where an especialy juicy pokemon spawned, making us meet other likeminded players more often.

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