Monday, April 10, 2017

Counting stardust

Knowing how much xp you need to get one stardust comes in really handy when you start planning for the next level.

In reality we're talking about getting a fairly good idea of how much stardust you receive on average per 100000 xp.

Knowing that number becomes valuable when you start looking at the next high IV, low level, pokemon you plan to power up to max. The cost in stardust quickly becomes daunting as you progress beyond level 30, and you basically have to decide which pokemon you'll run with before you hit the 75% mark until next level.

At extreme levels a newly hatched, and evolved where applicable, pokemon will cost you in the order of 200000 stardust. Depending on your playstyle that probably translates into half a million xp, give or take a hundred thousand. For one pokemon.

Even for someone at level 38 half a million xp is a substantial amount, which is the reason you want to plan ahead surprisingly early during a level.


  1. Granted, Stardust gets harder and harder as you level up. That is because Niantic, in all their wisdom, made Pokemon harder and harder to capture as you level up. Easy to capture Pokemon elude higher level players. To have a sub-100 CP Pidgie/Vulpix/Psyduck… escape… more than once… from a great ball is the norm. In fact, it surprises us to capture anything on the first ball! Red balls are worthless to throw and we toss them out and farm stops until we have Great and Ultra balls in the bag.

    100 stardust per capture – for a regular Mon; 200,000/100 is 2,000 Pokemon to capture. At the minimum 100 XP per capture is 200,000 XP. Say the average is 160 per, that is 320,000 XP. For it to be 500,000 XP it would average 250 XP per capture. This is not taking hatching stardust or capturing evolved forms into consideration. To get over 100,000 stardust in a weekend is/was not unheard of. With the new 500 capture limit, that puts a damper on that.

    Plus, as you point out, it goes mighty fast once you start to max out your crew!!!

    1. I added evolving mons, first catch bonuses, spinning pokestops and battling gyms into the XP-gain per stardust. Players tend to forget those 'revenue streams'.
