Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Pain in the arse, the line-up

We can't get all snorlax and blissey in our defensive line-up, and most definitely not chansey since a chansey powered up beyond level 30 does a much better job as a blissey.

But sometimes you want to prevent people from having a free ride through the bottom of the gym. I'm thinking gyms in places where you can't really stop (unless you're deliberately walking up to the gym), but you can stay in the vincinity long enough to take a pot shot at the bottom most defender without incurring an error.

There are a few, normally outright awful, defenders that could do the job for you.

  • Wobbuffet
  • Wigglytuff
  • Lanturn


Comes with atrocious attack and defence, but has substantially more hit points than a Snorlax. Its max CP at 1024 should place it safely below anything else you drop inside the gym.

Just make sure you don't get Splash as an attack


Basically a shoddy snorlax, but a Pound / Play Rough version should have better staying power than whatever it's protecting.

Max CP 1906 should place it below anything serious inside the gym.


Another shoddy version of an already existing defender, this time vaporeon.

A version with Charge Beam / Thunder Bolt partially makes up for the poor stats, and the 2077 max CP should see it placed in the bottom as well.

Lastly, none of the pokemon above makes the cut as defenders. They're just there to protect the gym while you're waiting for team mates to arrive with solid defenders. Especially if you built the gym on two of the shitty four in order to get an easy ride adding prestige.

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