Now, this isn't a blog trying to keep up with trainers as they progress through levels, so the change doesn't mirror that aspect at all.
Rather the entry level I've set should mirror some kind of average aggregate of candies and stardust gained. That total should enable the trainer to play Pokemon Go in a way that's different from how it's played at lower levels.
A few things have happened that invalidates level 30 as the entry point:
- XP bonanzas
- Boss raids
XP bonanzas usually boost xp intake, but rarely do they increase the stardust gained per hour played.
Boss raids pump up XP by the thousands. In the case of legendary bosses a full 10 000 XP per raid. This totally trashes the XP to stardust ratio. By using the free raid pass and doing nothing else a player will go from 30 to 32 in just above three months.
What happens is that my articles about line-ups become irrelevant for trainers around level 30 as they're stardust starved to a degree that wasn't the case as late as April 2017.
So, without further ado. The entry level for high level Pokemonn Go is hereby increased from 30 to 32. That's an increase from a total of 2 million XP to a total of 3 million XP.
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