Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Mewtwo, planning ahead

So we're about to receive mewtwo as a new raid boss rather soon. I'll leave the definistion of 'soon' ahead.

But you know all of this already, including the part about an invitational raid pass only.

So let's have a look at the line-up against mewtwo.

Psychic is weak against bug, dark and ghost. A single weakness at that.


Dark type attackers offer us the best line-up. The best of all options come first in this list.

Rather unsurprisingly this leaves us with a Bite / Crunch tyranitar as a superb attacker. Just be careful if the boss comes with Focus Blast as charge attack, since that's a fighting type attack and you really, really don't want to fail dodging fighting type charge attacks with a tyranitar.

In the dark type leage there's houndoom as well, but it's generally a lackluster pokemon to begin with, so you're unlikely to have a good one.

Sneasel? Well, on paper, but it's horribly squishy and unless you maxed one out for the sheer fun of it, don't.

Umbreon? No, just don't. It's base attack stat is atrocious. So bloody awful in fact that its dark type attacks doesn't even come close to make up for it.

Gyarados? Well, if you're totally out of alternatives then a Bite / Crunch gyara is less bad than several other options.

Mewtwo. Yes, if you get one you can use its stellar base attack stat and set up a Psycho Cut / Shadow Ball combination for the fastest energy gain available. You really don't care all that much for the psychic type primary attacks. The Shadow Ball is what's useful. Beware Shadow Ball bosses though.

Alakazam. Same as Metwto above. Great first attacker if you don't have a gengar.


There's basically only one pokemon here.

Gengar, especially if you have a legacy one with Shadow Claw for primary attacks, is your default first attacker if you happen to have one. It's stupidly squishy and will take increased damage from mewtwo's primary attacks. Especially Confusion is a nightmare.


The main problem with bug attackers is that they're squishy with good but never stellar attack moves. That said, here's a list of what you might have worked on earlier for fun.

Pinsir with Bug Bite and X-Scissor.

Scizor with Fury Cutter and X-Scissor

Heracross with Struggle Bug and Megahorn. Megahorn is a pretty awful one-bar attack though.

General dps

Dragonite does its job as usual. A Dragon Tail / Outrage dragonite will basically do the same job as a Bite Crunch gyarados in this battle.

Observations. It's a sad thing when the STAB attack is the preferred one to encounter on a defender. But Psychic is just a really poor one bar attack. Sure, Hyper Beam is easier to dodge, but both it and Focus Blast hits harder than Psychic even with the STAB bonus included.

On average the worst setup to encounter would be a Confusion / Shadow Ball opponent despite tyranitar resisting ghost type attacks. It's never fun when your opponent starts spamming two bar attacks for 100 damage each. Think of it like a blissey with a faster Dazzling Gleam and more lag added to make dodging harder.

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