Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Balancing gym material, bag management

No, I'm not dead yet. There just hasn't been much meriting a post lately.

Since the change in item-ratio from stops people once again have problems handling gym battles.

There are two simple methods alleviating this problem.

  • balance pots and revives
  • show preference to gyms

A third, but expensive, one is to participate a lot in boss-raids.

I'll primarily stick to the the first two ones.

Despite feeling the lack of potions and revives, in the end most players are lacking in one departement. Basically the problem is mostly either a lack of potions or a lack of revives.


When your problem is a lack of potions, which is the most common one, then make certain you get your attacking pokemon downed. And I really mean this. It's a perfectly valid tactics to stack almost downed pokemon for an attack to make certain they go down. Sure, drop an anchor at the end to ensure you see the defender go down.

Now you have a bunch of downed pokemon.

Do not heal them. Just revive and attack again. This way you'll go through your revives without touching your potions.

There's a side twitch to this scenario. As you're attacking with half healed pokemon you'd better start taking notes on defender weaknesses as your attacking pokemon are going down at worse than twice the ratio for fully healed pokemon. This is the result of receiving more charge attacks compared to the ratio at which you're able to use them yourself. Each pokemon going down is replaced by another half healed one with energy at zero.


Out of revives but have access to potions?

Change your gaming style when attacking to one where you swap pokemon before they go down. After you've gone deep enough into the gym to leave battle (could very well be going right through it) then exit the gym entirely and heal up your pokemon.

You'll eat through you stash of potions at an amazing rate but revives should be left unused.


Since the change in ratio you really shouldn't have any massive problems with poke-balls to throw at the critters in the wild.

If you can afford it, then skip spinning pokestops and concentrate on spinning gyms. They yield a far better ratio of revives and potions compared to stops. There's very little use for more balls when you're hunting gyms.

This is where getting that gold badge comes into use. Focus your gym battling to a select number of gyms to speed up your badge-XP in order to receive more items from those gyms whenever you spin them.

Boss raids

Whenever you're running dry on gym material, if at all possible, skip low number of players boss raids.

Hit raids at gyms of your own colour if you have that option.

Learn the best setup you can muster. The number of balls you receive corresponds directly to the number of potions and revives that boss-fight will yield.

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