The next in line of quality defenders that have fallen behind is chansey.
Chansey is different in as much that it's a pokemon with an evolve. It becomes the juggernaut blissey, but chansey still stands on its own in a gym. This is largely due to the absurd HP pool available.
I won't even go into the attacks, because, quite frankly, when it comes to chansey its attacks aren't interesting. It's patently unable to inflict any damage.
You place chansey in a gym because of its huge bulk. Also, you're probably just waiting for enough candy to evolve it into a blissey if you have a chansey worth putting i a gym in the first place, and that evolve will randomise the attacks anyway.
A chansey used for gym battles realistically comes with a CP in the range of 800 to 1100, because if it was any bigger it probably already got evolved to a blissey.
That said it still remains one of the top five defenders in the game. It's perfect in the bouncer role for a gym where you want to focus on pokemon in the 2000 to 2500 range.
If at all possible it should protect the gym in the 40000 to 49000 prestige range.
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