Catching enough abra to get an alakazam with the right moves can be a pain. Luckily there's a second option. Getting yourself a good espeon might require some walking during which time you produce eevee candy instead of something useful. However, you will eventually end up with an espeon sporting the right attacks.
While not as powerful as alakazam's 271 base attack stat, espeon still comes with a stellar 261. Add a little less atrocious stamina, and since espeon and alakazam share their defence attributes you have an attacker with a little better staying power.
This psychic type pokemon doesn't come with one fast and one slow, hard hitting primary attack. You want Confusion, which is a slow sledgehammer. This also means espeon can't power up its charge attack as quickly as an alakazam with Psycho Cut.
For charge attacks the pick is the same as for alakazam. You want Future Sight.
An attacking espeone should come with Confusion and Future Sight.
Just like with alakazam you're using espeon as a general dps. There really aren't any decent defenders weak against psychic type attacks.
Stay away from tyranitar and you should be fine.
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