Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lapras, chansey and blissey

Well, with the addition of blissey to the game the competition for best gym defender died. It's blissey, by a very, very wide margin.

I ran into one yesterday. Admittedly a big one at some 3150 CP. By now I've reached trainer level 37, and managed to max out a 96% dragonite as well as a 100% gyarados. That's closer to 3500 CP dragonite and just above 3200 CP gyarados.

Three attempts, three time-outs. Now, as I've clearly stated earlier, I'm far from the best player, but at level 37 punching at the screen without attempting to dodge with two fairly good attackers really shouldn't result in a time-out.

Lapras received a brutal nerf, but still remains one of the top defenders in the game. One way to make use of it is making a virtue of the recent event when chansey spawned comparably frequently. Frequently enough that a lot of players simply cannot afford to evolve them all if they plan to max out one blissey.

A CP 1100, or above, chansey is still not anything to laugh at. If your group takes on a few gyms you could alternate between slotting in chansey and lapras, basically plugging the gym at the bottom with two or three chansey and filling it up with post-nerf lapras. You'll end up with a gym that's depressinlgy tough to tear down.

Just make sure that different players get the bouncer position.

Of the flip side, adding prestige against dragonite just got faster. Your lapras still eats those nites for breakfast, albeit the combat is a little bit slower, but at the other hand you receive substantially more prestige.

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