- IV
- Stats
- Attacks
- Gym
- Role
The potential of the pokemon. Usually as a percentage. Especially useful when you have two or more pokemon of the same kind with approximately the same cp as well.
Attack, defence and stamina. Three numbers between 0 and 15 each. Indirectly holds the IV information.
What attack moves the pokemon has. Indirectly holds the role information.
Which gym the pokemon currently is assigned to. You'll have to come up with abbreviations you can remember. Gives you instant info on which gym was succesfully attacked when you find one of your pokemon needing a revive.
Attacker, defender or multipurpose. Basically defined by the charge attack move. A one-bar move usually means it's an attacker, and three or more bars means it's a defender. Two bar moves usually work well for both purposes.
For primary attacks the general rule is that fast attacks with low damage is best for an attacker, while slow attacks with higher damage is for defence.
Using smart abbreviations allows you to combine information types.
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