The bad news
Is there a way to stop gps spoofers, ie players who fake their gps-coordinates in order to foll the game into believeing they are somewhere else than where they really are?
Probably not.
To begin with, if you're looking at a tracking map and find something interesting you pop into your clothes (if you're indoors) leave, find a transport and arrive, hopefully in time to make an attempt at a catch.
The spoofer teleports.
The result is that even using maps you're still left with lower quality material compared to a spoofer.
They teleport between gyms as well.
Ever added prestige to a gym in the middle of nowhere, not a soul in sight, and poof, the slot you opened up is suddenly occupied? That's a spoofer.
Ever tried adding prestige to a gym in the middle of, etc, etc, etc, just to notice the gym is losing prestige faster than you can add it? That's a spoofer.
Ever tried tearing down... , and notice it's going down slightly slower than it should? That's a brainddead spoofer. You don't defend a gym solo and expect to win, not even if you're spoofing.
Ever seen a gym magically grow like a mushroom and noone is there? That's a spoofer with twelve accounts. One for the prestige mon, one for kicking it out, and ten for populating the gym.
And they teleport.
The good news
If you're still a decently sized group of players doing gyms together several times a week you'll be able to push a gym to ten and populate it within ten minutes.
Spoofers usually play solo.
Spoofers have to visit pokestops.
Spoofers have to collect stardust, or their material falls behind.
It's horribly expensive in terms of potions and revives to tear down three or more level ten gyms alone. Not to speak of a minimum of two hours down the drain, even with teleport.
You can deplete their potions and revives by doggedly pushing those gyms back to 10 at a fraction of that cost.
The really good news
In the end the spoofer will find somewhere else to go, or they'll fully atomate refilling their bags, ie go botting.
Niantic are mass-banning bots.
The best news
Is really a tips, or at least a suggestion. If you run into a group tearing down a friendly gym filled with spoofers of your own colour. Why don't you give them a hand? They're probably sick and tired of spoofers just like you. You might get some help in return.
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