Thursday, June 15, 2017

Getting the most out of a disco

Where I play we call the level one through three gyms 'disco'. The reason is old memories from when ad-hoc dance events sported blinking lamps in red, yellow and blue. For whatever reason the word stuck.

In an earlier post I wrote about why fully tearing down a gym is not merely preferred, but kind of important.

The other side of the coin is whether it's really worth the extra cost of a revive and a potion to drop a pokemon inside a disco you've just torn down.

Usually not, but long term, yes.

If players always populate the three first spots you'll end up with a level three gym at 6000 prestige, and probably two pretty iffy defenders out of the three inside.

A populated friendly disco is golden for a small raiding group. I'm talking three, at most four players, but let's say three. It's the kind of number that could be walking to a pub or a café. No real raiding is planned at all.

So we hit upon a level three gym. 2000 prestige is nothing. You basically need a perverted combination of a 1300 chansey, followed by one 2600 and one 3100 blissey to force friendly players to walk away.

At 8000 prestige a prestige defender goes inside and the gym pops to 10000. A battle each and the gym stands at 13000 prestige, at which time one of us adds a defender while the other two run another battle each.

17000 prestige. The next player drops a defender inside and the two other run a battle each.

21000 prestige. We'll either leave it at 23000 prestige after adding the third defender, or we'll run another two or three battles each, which leaves the gym at 29000 or 32000 prestige. The latter is preferable as there's an open spot which would push the gym to 34000 prestige unless a rival player arrives to clean out the prestige defender.

All in all we're talking less than five minutes spent at the gym.

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