Monday, July 03, 2017

Beating raid bosses realistically

I won't go into the dream teams. There are numreous listings out there, including this one, and they vary somewhat when it comes to the optimal setup.

The real problem is that you're unlikely to be able to field that kind of line-up.

Instead, let's look at the raid tiers and take a look at what a 'normal' high level PoGo trainer should have available.

Whenever I suggest a specific pokemon I'm assuming you have it maxed out or near maxed out.

Tier 1

Don't bother, just bulldoze right over the boss. Whatever your phone suggests is brutal overkill for the content. And I'm talking about a raid constisting of you, your dog and that pidgeon over there.

Apart from the magikarp the three other bosses are interesting to collect as you get a comparatively high IV first evolve of the generation 2 starters.

Tier 2

If the raid got at least a second human particpiant, just follow the advice for tier 1.

If your only help is that dog of yours, well, now it's time to slowly connect your brain.

When I write a type of pokemon I'm also assuming it has access to at least one attack of the right type.

Now, to be honest, at level 39 I just bulldooze right through the content without giving it a second thought even alone, but then I have to revive a lot of attackers and the raid takes much more time than needed.

  • Electrabuzz -- Rhydon and/or golem if you have any high level of those. Pad out with dagonite and tyranitar, or start the fight with those if you lack any level 30+ rock-type pokemon.
  • Exeggutor -- Flareon. If you for some reason have access to a 30+ bug type attacker, good for you. They're even better, but you're safe with an army of flareon, which you're likely to have. They don't even have to be level 30. Just kill and revive after the raid.
  • Magmar -- Vaporeon. Start with your powered up rhydon / golem if you have one.
  • Muk -- If you have pushed an alakazam or espeon for attack purposes, this is what you start with. It'll die, but at least you'll get off one juicy charge attack. Follow up with rhydon / golem if available and pad out with dragonite / tyranitar. Gyarados with Bite work as a poor man's dragonite here.
  • Wheezing -- Treat as Muk.

Tier 3

Ok, I really suggest you bring friends here. Sure, at level 38 and above, with the right attackers powered up to max, these raid bosses should go down to a solo player given a few attempts, but it's mostly an excersise in bragging rights.

I'm assuming you're two high level players here.

  • Vaporeon -- If you have a grass attacker powered up, victreebel, exeggutor, venusaur or somthing like that, for taking out vaporeon in the old gym system, well it works just as well here. Start with that one. All other slots should be filled with the jolteon army you're likely to have stashed away for slaughtering all those gyarados that used to be standing in gyms.
  • Arcanine -- Start with golem/rhydon if available, then slot in your vaporeon army.
  • Flareon -- treat as arcanine.
  • Machamp -- This is where your problems start. Alakazam / espeon if available. Psychic version of exeggutor or a dragonite with Hurricane. Overall you should have an easier time setting up your army of trash going for psychic type pokemon with at least one psychic attack even if they're as low as level 20. Prepare your revives.
  • Gengar -- A dark type tyranitar is golden here, or a suicidal ghost type gengar to start with. Next one for slaughter is that alakazam / espeon if you have one and after that you can pad out with a dragon type dragonite or your Bite / Hydro Pump gyarados.
  • Alakazam -- A ghost type gengar should be the first in your line up here if you have one. After that a dark type tyranitar. Anyone who identified pinsir's relatively high attack stats will be rewarded here. The rest of us just go for dragon type dragonite and Bite gyarados.
  • Jolteon -- This is where you run into real problems. A ground type golem or rhydon is golden here, but you're unlikely to have more than one, if even that. A dragon type dragonite works as well due to high general dps. You could slot in your attack exeggutor if you have one. After that it's time to dig up your army of trash consisting of ground type pokemon with the right attacks. Donphan and even sandslash. Contrary to any sane advice I suggest you give a look at that powered up snorlax with Earth Quake you might have built before someone told you that Lick / Earth Quake really sucks. Crap general dps but tanks well, and you are two players.

Tier 4

Things get intersting here. These raids seem to attract quite a lot of attention. If you're lucky enough to get into a group in the double digits, just go with whatever your phone suggests, and end with a tank; snorlax or blissey. Then run over the poor raid boss.

If you're just enough players to beat the boss, four to seven depending on player level, then once again it's time to give your line up some thought.

  • Tyranitar -- A fighting type machamp is the goto starter here. Same goes for a fighting type Heracross if you have one. After that a grass type exeggutor if available. Then it's time for your army of vaporeon.
  • Snorlax -- Fighting machamp / heracross. Just beware Zen Headbutt. After that it's time for your highest dps general dps. Dragonite, exeggutor, alakazam, gengar, tyranitar, gyarados.
  • Rhydon -- Start with a grass type attacker. Victreebel, exeggutor, venusaur etc. Pad out with your army of vaporeon. Worst case add a Hydro Pump gyarados.
  • Lapras -- Once again a fighting machamp is a good starter, as is jolteon. Suiciding with a grass type attacker helps speeding up the fight. Pad out with your army of jolteon.
  • Charizard -- A rock type Golem is golden to start with. A Stone Edge tyranitar also works well. Pad out with your army of vaporeon.
  • Venusaur -- Just go bonkers with your army of flareon. Slot in a psychic attacker if you have one.
  • Blastoise -- Start with a grass type attacker, exeggutor, victreebel etc. Then pad out with your army of jolteon.

My suggestions won't yield optimal results, but they yield sufficient results for high level players who simply don't have an abundance of attackers to build several kinds of line ups.

What else is there to learn? Well, both for the current content, and in preparation for the upcoming legendary raids, start pushing a rock type golem or two, and give that second, or third, tyranitar a thought.

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