Wednesday, July 19, 2017

New game client, meta game changing addition

A new version of the app was just released. While other sites happily chat away about legendary raids I've tried out the really game changing aspect.

You can feed your assigned pokemon from a distance.

At the moment I'm sitting in a garden some ten kilometres south of where I usually play, so there are a few gyms in the city and one which I can barely reach from the game. By reaching I mean have a look at it -- it's still a good ten minutes walk away from me.

That gym, which would be way too far away from where I live in the city to be considered a 'home gym', eats my berries and adds CP to the defending pokemon inside.

All the pokemon inside.

Now, as I had an excessive amount of berries I tried feeding the gyms in the city. While I can't beef up the mons inside I still receive all the othe benefits from feeding a gym.

I can see how some players might feel that this is broken, but if you don't play the game in the middle of nowhere, excessive amounts of berries will become a thing of the past.

At least some 1000 to 2000 extra stardust daily from riding your coach seems perfectly viable as you dump your berries inside gyms before you go to sleep. It's mostly a matter of how many stops and gyms you spin on a daily basis -- a certain percentage of the catch will be berries.

Now for the meta game changing part. If your ability to effectively reach gyms
overlap with other players of your team, especially other players you actively cooperate with, then holding territory is back in the game.

When the gym's going down you can alternate feeding the mons inside

This also means that your best defenders are definitely back in business. Those gyms you want to hold should be populated by the six strongest defending pokemon you can muster up. After all you want to feed attackers with a feeling of futility as the defenders come back at full strength every second fight.

You still only need three or four pokemon at high traffic gyms to secure the fifty daily coins, so don't worry overly much about getting pokemon locked inside.

This change also works perfectly fine for hampering spoofers. By selectively feeding defenders from home you now have an opportunity to see the spoofers getting booted out from the gym, and the best of all is that rival players are doing the job.

Obviously you'll be doing the same job when you walk into enemy territory, but that's another story.

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