Saturday, July 08, 2017

Gyms, an observation

I'm a bit unclear if this observation of mine really has any value or not, but here goes.

Gyms seem to be filled to max rather than being torn down while there's still only a single pokemon assigned to it. By this I mean that when you burn down a rival gym and drop a defender inside, more often than not, that gym will be filled to capacity.

This is the exact opposite to how gyms behaved before the rework. A disco usually got wiped out more or less immediately, which was the reason you brought your raid-team together and pumped a gym to max, filled it as well as you could, and called out on communication channels that there were free spots available for friendly players.

It seems counter productive to allow a rival team to fill the gym, but I can see a coupld of reasons for doing so.

Observe that filled gyms do get wiped out, usually within a day, and very often just prior to a level 4 raid.

I get more badge XP for tearing down a full gym.

I'm busy boss-raiding, so I can't spare the time for a gym with one or two defenders on my way to the boss-raid.

The first defender assigned was a respectable blissey, and they're still a PITA to burn down, so I thought: BLAEH, and walked on.

There's very little old school gym-raiding going on, so I'm simply not interested in gym fighting any longer.

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